Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mugging Monday

Even though it's Tuesday I took this photo yesterday.  All day Fox had been acting strange or strange for him. Usually the screamer is Seneca the Drama Queen. But yesterday when I tried to be extra loving and put him out in the front yard where the grass is lush and green he screamed every 10 minutes because OMG! I cannot see the mare! 

Even though Fox was in a strange mood I was determined to ride anyway.  Other than a few tenative attempts early on to find all of Fox's buttons I hadn't done an real ring work with him.  Mostly as previous posts have attested I have just been seriously unmotivated. That needed to end. If I ever want to event Fox I need to stop lazing around when I have the time and weather to school my horse.

So mood be damned I was going to ride. I just had to wait for Superhubs to get home because even though Fox is perfectly trust worthy my two accidents (both while Superhubs was thankfully home) have convinced me that riding alone is a no-go.  So when the man returned from work I went out in to the pasture to reset the jumps that Cowboy had pushed over.  Its always fun having my very own Pasture Poltergeist!  While I was setting the jumps to rights Fox pretty much stalked me around the pasture and when I took my phone out he became instantly insanely curious which is how I ended up with the Fox selfie above.

Our ride was actually pretty good. Other than screaming at Seneca a couple of times Fox behaved himself and did most of what I asked.  He did have a few moments of stubborn/laziness.  The first time I tried to pop him over the extremely low cross rails he bumped them with his feet.  Seriously?  They were like 18inches high!  But he did go over which we were having an issue with in the fall.  And we did some bending circles and lots of walk breaks as Fox is not that fit right now.

Then after a little post ride grooming I loaded him in the trailer without fuss and then put him away for the evening.  Although I did strip his halter off because Mr. Sensitive was having all his facial hair rubbed off.

Right now I am aiming for a low key H/J show in mid-July.  But to do that we need to be at least trotting 2'3" which is the height of the two classes I want to enter Fox in.  So that's the goal right now.  To get there I think I need to invest in some real jump poles. Fox isn't exactly respecting the PVC poles I have right now. Seneca on the other hand never wanted to touch anything but she was also more naturally forward than Fox.  I may just have to break out the spurs.  Until next time keep it between the flags everyone!

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