Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Weather, Grass and Parelli

I haven't been able to ride in a little while. Mainly just my life getting caught up with my dog who is still balancing between serious illness and holding back the tide of infection and the weather has been so great. You would think I would ride more with the good weather but there are so many little projects around the farm that needed doing that I spend my afternoons after work doing that.

The big project that my husband and I finally got done was fencing in the new pasture. My extremely great neighbors own the L shaped field next door to me and allow me to use it for pasture since they don't have horses and don't want to mow the acres and acres of grass.  We had one pasture fenced in last year but hadn't been able to get all our ducks in a row for the second one.

I came home Monday afternoon to find that on his day off my husband had used his Four Wheeler upgrade money to buy the fencing materials for the new pasture and had already set all the posts and had most of one line of electra-tape done.  He's the man.  Yesterday between thunder storms we finished the last three strands of alternating electra-tape and electra-braid to have the fence completed. So now there is a four foot high fence of electrical goodness swathing the pasture. Because while the High Queen wouldn't stir herself to step outside of a fence whether it was on or not the Spotted Beast is a confirmed escape artist, sometimes even when the wire is hot.

Last year we had to crank the power up on the charger box for the fence three times before Cowboy stopped squriming his way through the fence like a Shetland pony.

So now that all that is out of the way, where are we with the High Queen's non-loading freakness?  Nowhere yet. We're working towards the goal of making her a reliable loader.  Right now I am avidly watching the Parelli videos after having paid about 10$ for the priveledge.  I have followed Clinton Anderson for a long time, and while I like all his practices, I felt like it was too blunt a method for the volatile High Queen, so I checked in to Parelli and it seems like it might help.  We'll see. Right now I'm doing two of the seven games with both horses and actually Seneca is a lot better at it than Cowboy. Which is strange, Cowboy usually picks things up a lot quicker than she does.

Right now I am not making any firm plans for taking Seneca anywhere. After having to eat the 85$ entry fee for the horse trial and then almost crying when I looked at the results board and saw "scratched" next to our names I decided not to disappoint myself that way again. Until the High Queen is a reliable loader, no plans, just going with what we get to.  On the other hand I am going to be spending more time with the Spotted Beast and getting him more broke.  He's green broke right now but needs way more work on stopping and turning before I take him outside of a fenced area or off the farm any place.

So that's where we are. Happy riding all around.

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